
George Harrison Was Known as the 'Quiet Beatle,' But His Guitar Contributions Made Him .

Saturday, March 4, 2023

George Harrison was given the nickname the “Quiet Beatle” because he was reportedly shy and was often in the background of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. However, his contributions often went underappreciated by fans, who were mainly focused on who sang or wrote each song. George Harrison didn’t receive the same attention as McCartney and Lennon, but his guitar skills made him irreplaceable. Harrison proved in his solo career that he could write fantastic songs, but his songwriting talents were neutered in The Beatles. He did write a few hits, such as “Something” and “Here Comes the Sun,” but primary songwriting duties were given to Lennon and McCartney. In an interview with Salon, Harrison’s ex-wife Pattie Boyd said the singer was often frustrated that he was taking a backseat to his other bandmates.

Source: Ross Tanenbaum/


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