A daft sketch about a fictional Scot created by a teenage John Lennon has gone on show in his home city of Liverpool.
The Beatle’s widow Yoko Ono loaned many treasured items to a new exhibition entitled Double Fantasy – John and Yoko.
Featured in the display at the Museum of Liverpool until next April is the “Daily Hool (Scotch edition)” made in 1957, when Lennon was 16. He creates Fungus Mucdungheap, dressed in a “drainpipe kilt”. Lennon spent happy holidays as a boy in Edinburgh and Durness in Sutherland
His handwritten newspaper cost “1 haggis” and he describes Fungus as “the son of a bagpipe who invented the haggae (plural)”.
Lennon’s readers are informed that “some Scotchmen live in caves” and “walk on their hands to save their shoes – not that they’re mean”. It finishes by saying: “Some Scotchmen have tartan hair instead of a kilt, silly n*****s,” borrowing a racist word in wider use at the time.
Source: john-lennon.com